Tag Archives: Vine versus Instagram

Vine has improved immensely

I’ve been lurking on Vine for a long time now. I’m happy to report that the app has improved immensely. With new updates, Vine has more options and effects. You don’t really need those optionsĀ and lots of people have abandoned Vine for Instagram. However, Vine still feels like my video home.

In the war for users, Instagram has won. More than 150 million people use Instagram. Vine sports more than 40 million users roughly a year after its launch.

Still, Vine has my heart.

To paraphrase Hitchcock, a smaller budget makesĀ for more creative art. The same is true for time. With only six seconds, Vine is not only a challenge for the Vine user, but often better for the Vine consumer.

This is a simple fact that’s often overlooked, but as a lurker, I notice that I enjoy Vine more. You can watch more vines faster and the user interface is more fun per minute as you flip through more content faster.

I have an Instagram account, but I don’t use it. I’m still a Vine guy and, despite my absence on the platform, I still feel connected to the community on Vine. Maybe it’s just the people I follow on each platform, but Vine seems to have a slightly older crowd and they’re very creative.

I’ll dabble on Instagram to stay in the loop with my kids, but I’ll stay a Vine guy.

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